1. Explain how Red's search through hayfields is similar to Andy's hobbies in Shawshank.
2. Why would Red find his new life in the "real world" so terrifying?
3. Compose three paragraphs that explain the significance of the following line:
"Get busy living, or get busy dying" (106)
- First, compose a SEE paragraph that explains how this line is significant to the book itself. Be sure to use specific reference to the novel.
- Second, compose a SEE paragraph that explains how this line is significant in another book, film or poem.
- Third, compose a SEE paragraph that explains how this line could be significant to you in your own life.
Be sure to use quotes when possible, and to compose paragraphs that would be suitable for an exam situation.
Good Luck!
Taylor Eichel
1. Explain how Red's search through hayfields is similar to Andy's hobbies in Shawshank. Red’s search is similar to Andy’s hobbies because its his path to freedom and keeping busy.
2. Why would Red find his new life in the "real world" so terrifying? Red wasn’t in the real world for almost his whole life and he wasn’t ready for it because he was institutionalized.
Geoff Briggs
1. Explain how Red's search through hayfields is similar to Andy's hobbies in Shawshank.
Reds search through the hayfields is similar to Andy’s hobbies because it makes him feel like a free man, and not being institutionalized, and trying to live his life as a free man.
2. Why would Red find his new life in the "real world" so terrifying?
Red found his new life terrifying because he didn’t no what to do, and was used to being told when and what he can do, instead of being able to do what ever he wants, also because everything had changed, and is different from before he was in jail, and there are cars every were, and people, and how people act and what they were.
Devon Telle
1. Explain how Red's search through hayfields is similar to Andy's hobbies in Shawshank. Red needs something to do and something to look forward to. Looking through the hayfields is reds hobby because it gives him something to look forward to just like Andy and his rock Chipping.
2. Why would Red find his new life in the "real world" so terrifying? Red was so used to the jail that he started to like it and that was the only thing he now. Red was a somebody in jail and now that he is out he is a nobody. Every thing has changed in the new world and he's not accustomed to it.
1. Mike Temple
2. Explain how Red's search through hayfields is similar to Andy's hobbies in Shawshank?
When Red is walking through the hayfields he feels in controlled that’s the same way as Andy. Andy used his hobbies to make him feel in controlled and that know one told him to do it. He wanted to.
2. Why would Red find his new life in the "real world" so terrifying?
Red got so use to the prison that he called it home because he was in there for a long time and started to make a bunch of guy friends. Red had a special job in this prison. His job was that he was the only one that was sophisticated for smuggling contraband in. If Red went in the real world he wound not be important at all because that’s not a real job out there. People in the real world can get there own items and supplies at stores. They don’t go up to other people and ask them to get it for them.
Brandon Richardson
1. Explain how Red's search through hayfields is similar to Andy's hobbies in Shawshank. Red is doing the same thing Andy is because Red is seeking the same freedom and hobbies as Andy.
2. Why would Red find his new life in the "real world" so terrifying? Red has been institutionalized in shawshank for so long that he probably couldn't survive out in the real world. In shawshank he was an important figure because he was able to get anything anybody wanted for people and a small price.
1. Reds searches through hayfields is similar to
Andy’s hobbies in Shaw shanks because in Shaw shank Andy would look in the work out yard for rocks and when he found a nice rock it was like gold. That is like when red is looking for the volcanic glass that Andy put in the hay field.
2. Red would find his new life in the real world out side of Shaw shank so terrifying because he dozen know how to function out side of the jail he has been in jail for so long that he has forgotten how real life is.
Taylor Eichel
In the book the Shawshank Redemption the quote “Get busy living or get busy dying” is a perfect example of the character Andy. It is easy to tell that Andy is not a depressed person because he doesn’t let the guards or the warden get to him. He is living his life knowing that if he escapes he will be set for life.
This line is significant in the book Night because if Elie didn’t try to survive he would have easily died. Elies dad and Elie needed to try and survive because without one of them the other would be gone. When the other Jewish people didn’t try to live and knew they were going to die they were the ones who died first.
In my life the quote is significant because if I just do nothing or don’t get busy I will be unhappy. Staying busy by working or social events will make you get busy living instead of not doing anything all day which means you might as well get busy dying.
Mike Temple
In our life time, the word hope is a powerful concept and it means lots to people. There is a quote in The Shawshank Redemption that highlights the importance of this theme and also the Night. Hope gives us the motivation to keep going when life is difficult and when we have problems.
The quote, “Get busy living, or get busy dying” is very important in the Shawshank Redemption. Andy uses this line when he is in a deep discussion with Red. Andy talks about what they need to do to maintain hope, while Red says you need to give up hope or you will go crazy in prison. In other words Red thought you needed to get instutionalized to make it for a long time in prison. Red almost seems right when the warden crushes Andy’s chances of getting free. The warden really didn’t want Andy to go because he needed him. Andy wins in the end, though, and shows its best to keep hope instead of loosing it. Andy kept busy living and set up his escape in the years after. Andy ends up escaping to Mexico with lost of money.
This Quote highlights an idea that is also important in the
Night by Elie Wiesel. In that book a Jewish boy is trapped with his family at the concentration camps in Germany. The camp was awful, the Jews were sent there for slavery and many were mistreated and killed. Elie and his father were separated from the mom and girl. If they had lost hope they would have died like so many others. But they held on to their hope, kept busy living, and survived. Its sad in the end when Elie’s father dies, but Elie’s survives because his father said to him, keep going you can make it through.
The Quote that I was using is significant to me in my life time. I really think about this quote because you have to be active, happy every day in life, thank god that he made you this way, and just be thankful everyday that your alive and the things have and you’re love ones. Everyday im thankful to be alive and healthy, instead of the ones that think negative and there always down in life. To me this teaches how life and hope are so important in our life time.
Hope give people the energy to look forward in there life time and how it’s important to be positive every day and while your doing things. This quote really showed me how hope is so strong that if you’re not strong enough in your heart and what you believe you don’t have hope at all. So everyday I think about hope and the things I like to do and how to get better at them.
Geoff Briggs
This quote "Get busy living, or get busy dying", is significant to the book in a few ways. It is significant to Andy in a way that it creates a will to keep going and believing that he will get out, and not become institutionalized and one day live his life the way he had it before. When people in shawshank just do what they were told, and didn’t do anything other than that, they would be "busy dying".
"Get busy living, or get busy dying", is significant in the novel Night. This quote is significant because if you had no will, or motivation to keep going, or something to look forward to in the holocaust, you would end up dead. If you had something to push you forward and keep your mind busy and something to look forward to, you have a better chance of surviving.
This quote could be significant in our lives in a way that can keep us going and motivated. It can get us up and being active, and doing things that can us alive, and up and going. This quote can also make you feel good for what you have, and that you are not in some prison or concentration camp.
“get busy living, or get busy dying” Devon Telle
In the book the Shawshank redemption there is a quote “get busy living, or get busy dying.” This quote goes hand-in-hand with the main character Andy. Andy was put in prison for something he did not commit. But even know he was put in prison for something he did not do he always stayed strong and never got institutionalized. Andy stayed strong by occupying himself with other things in jail like shaping rocks and building libraries and helping young lads get their high school diploma and one of the biggest thing. Digging a tunnel out of the jail cell so he can go on with his life he once had.
In the book Night there is a boy and his family who are sent first to the ghetto and then off to Nazi concentration camps. The boy is split up from his mother and sister and now has to survive with his father in the concentration camp. The quote “get busy living, or get busy dying” goes very well with this book because if someone lost faith in the concentration camp and did not really want to live there was no doubt that they would die. So to think positive and never give up would be a very crucial thing in a Nazi concentration camp.
The quote “get busy living or get busy dying” goes with what's happening in my life right now graduating high school. High school is a very important thing to pass and make sure you understand and if you're not motivated to do it then you should not even bother. The quote goes with it because I think if you don't get busy trying to pass school and understand your classes then you're going to get busy failing and not passing school. So like Andy in the Shawshank redemption I think I should be motivated about something to and that's passing school.
Shaw shank conclusion Mike B
1. Reds search through the hayfields were similar to Andy’s hobbies because red’s search is looking for the box that has a present from Andy. And he’s finally breaking free of his institutionalized life style.
2. Red would find the world outside Shaw shank terrifying because his importance in prison would mean nothing. And would probably start a dead end job and probably feel horrible about his new life style.
Mark Whitehead
1. In is similar to Andy’s rock hobby because it gives him a sense of freedom and makes him feel like he is doing something with his life.
2. Reds new life would be so terrifying because he is use to living in jail and not the free world. He is probably afraid that he will not find any thing to do and may lose his life because of this.
Brandon Richardson
“Get busy or get busy dying trying” means mostly one thing and that’s having something that can keep you going in your life when all else fails. If you don’t keep yourself going with work then you would just keep yourself busy with nothing and fade away.
The quote “Get busy or get busy dying” is an important quotation found in the book Shawshank Redemption. The quote was used when Andy was talking to Red about always having something to do or if you didn’t you would die wasting away doing nothing. The quote was important to Andy because that’s what motivates him to keep going in prison after he finds out that he was innocent and was put into Shawshank for nothing. Even though Red told Andy there was no hope into trying to claim your freedom even after the warden put Andy into solitary for the longest time in Shawshank history. But Andy never gave up and he kept himself busy with digging his way to freedom.
The quotation helps us in our lives as well because it is apart of our lives even in what we are doing now in our life. School for example goes well with the quote “get busy or get busy dying” in other words it tells us to get busy with school and pass and graduate or try but fail and don’t graduate. Even in other things like sports it affects us. You can try your hardest in a sport and win or fail just trying.
dan csokonay
The significance of the line “get busy living, or get busy dying” (106”) in the book Shaw Shank redemption refers to the prisoner keeping sane. one of charters Andy use’s this to help him to have hope of living and believing that he will get out and be able to live his life like he did before he was jailed. When people are told what to do all day its hard to function out side of the jail that’s when they are dying.
The line “get busy living, or get busy dying” Can also be related to the holocaust when Jewish people went though prison camps. The Jewish people had to work in camp during world war two and they had to work and if they didn’t they would be killed. The book “night” the main charter elie was a young boy he did things to keep living he though of his dad. that was his way of living. If he didn’t do that and just worked he would be dying.
The line “get busy living, or get busy dying” is significant to me in my life. Staying active and fit is like living I compete in sports and I need to keep active to do well in my sports. If I don’t stay active I wont do as well that’s like dying.
Nick Giordano
Shaw shank conclushon
#1 Red's search through hayfields is similar to Andy's hobbies in Shaw shank because just like Andy in Shaw Shank it gave red something to keep his mind off of his fear. So he could survive.
#2 Red find his new life so terrifying because he got used to Shaw shank he lived there for most of his life, it’s all he knows and now in life he is a thing of the past of no importance anymore. Everything he knows is gone and he is alone the world before he went to Shaw shank is gone.
#3 Get busy living, or get busy dying
Life is a blessing that most take for Granted, and nobody can see it till it hits them in the face. “Get busy living, or get busy dying” is a quote from the book the Shaw shank redemption by Stephen King witch has great significance. Not only in the book Shaw shank redemption but also in the poem the laughing hart and even in my own life.
In the book Shaw shank redemption Andy was an inspiration to red. Because even though Andy was in Shaw shank he was always one step ahead of the game. Andy looked at the little good he had in life and threw this he expanded the library and thought tom. Even though Andy was in Shaw shank he still had goals in his life and accomplishing these goals gave him reasons to life. In a way Andy outsmarted death. When Andy first told red get “busy living or get busy dieing” I don’t think red understood till page 106 where he says it to himself that’s when he finally understood that he has the two choices to either get busy living like Andy or get busy dying and give up.
“get busy living or get busy dying” is relatable in the poem by Charles Bukowski the laughing hart on the get busy living angle. “Your life is your life. Don’t let it be clubbed into dank
submission” Emphasizes that if you look at the bad in life it will defeat you. “be on the watch there are ways out. There is light somewhere. it may not be much light but it beats the darkness” is trying to say that there is hope there is a way out if you look towards the good in life. I think the “laughing hart” is trying to say that it is possible to get busy living if you focus your mind on the good in life.
I think “get busy living or get busy dying” is significant to me because I can learn from it. There have been times in my life where IV felt alone and scared because I don’t know what is next. Like what to do next year when I am out of school like I guess I was scared and couldn’t believe it would happen and I ignored it and put it off when I could have been using that time more effectively like making a plan and going for it. Personally I still don’t know what I am going to do now but one thing for shore I will find out and I will get busy living.
Life is a blessing that most take for Granted, but threw out “Shaw shank redemption”, “the laughing”, hart and my own life IV learned that get “busy living or get busy dieing” is a conflict and everyone has to face it but it is a conflict that you can learn from. And its never too late to get busy living as long as you learn from your mistakes.
1. Red’s Search thought the hayfields was similar to Andy’s habits because its something they both did so that they would keep themselves from going crazy.
2. Red had a hard time getting used to things cause he only knew the world inside the prison. He was not used to just going to the bathroom because in prison he had to ask to go. The real world moved to fast for him and he even though about stealing some stuff just to go back to jail. His thoughts of Andy were the only thing keeping him from doing it.
Trevor Ing
Red’s Search thought the hayfields was similar to Andy’s habits because its something they both did so that they would keep themselves from going crazy.
Red had a hard time getting used to things cause he only knew the world inside the prison. He was not used to just going to the bathroom because in prison he had to ask to go. The real world moved to fast for him and he even though about stealing some stuff just to go back to jail. His thoughts of Andy were the only thing keeping him from doing it.
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