Using the picture above, construct a Visual Response essay. Be sure to include an introduction and conclusion, and three body paragraphs. Successful papers will include critical analysis of the photograph, and personal insight into the themes demonstrated by the image itself. Final papers must be posted in the comment box by Monday!
The world still faces difficult questions about war and peace. Each of us probably asks at some time in our life, what do I believe about war. War is a terrifying time to be in. People loses there lives just for fighting for there country and trying to save there families and the other ones that surround them everyday in there society. Peace is all about freedom from the war, and how we should love other countries and the people around us. In peoples minds there are two sides one is war and the other one is peace. Its like good of eveil.
War is awful to be in. People are taking there own lives and putting it towards death or success. People put there own lives so that they can keep there family safe and there countries to no harm. War people try to take over countries that’s there enemies or for power. Power is a very strong thing for war. If you have the power and your force is strong then its like you have a force field around you and know one can touch you at all because your so powerful that your army can take over what ever is in front of there eyes.
Peace is like relief, that’s when there is no war going on at all and the society is in no harm. People absolutely hate war. They don’t like killing and trying to take over other countries. They just want to be in peace and loving each other and getting along. People were sent on earth for only one reason, that was peace, but not for fighting. People don’t want others loosing there lives in a battle for power. People rather just have a long life with peace and a great society to be in. Then we wont have to have people calling that you lost a family member in the war or there in the infirmary where their injured and slowly loosing there lives.
In our society people have two choices, one is war to get power and the other one is peace and keep every one’s lives together and not loosing members out of your family. For me I never had a family member that has bean to war, but I could imagine how it would feel to have a family members in the war. You would think of them every day and be praying for them to come back home safely and be part of your family again.
Mike temple
The world still faces difficult questions about war and peace. Each of us probably asks at some time in our life, what do I believe about war. War is a terrifying time to be in. People loses there lives just for fighting for there country and trying to save there families and the other ones that surround them everyday in there society. Peace is all about freedom from the war, and how we should love other countries and the people around us. In peoples minds there are two sides one is war and the other one is peace. Its like good of eveil.
War is awful to be in. People are taking there own lives and putting it towards death or success. People put there own lives so that they can keep there family safe and there countries to no harm. War people try to take over countries that’s there enemies or for power. Power is a very strong thing for war. If you have the power and your force is strong then its like you have a force field around you and know one can touch you at all because your so powerful that your army can take over what ever is in front of there eyes.
Peace is like relief, that’s when there is no war going on at all and the society is in no harm. People absolutely hate war. They don’t like killing and trying to take over other countries. They just want to be in peace and loving each other and getting along. People were sent on earth for only one reason, that was peace, but not for fighting. People don’t want others loosing there lives in a battle for power. People rather just have a long life with peace and a great society to be in. Then we wont have to have people calling that you lost a family member in the war or there in the infirmary where their injured and slowly loosing there lives.
In our society people have two choices, one is war to get power and the other one is peace and keep every one’s lives together and not loosing members out of your family. For me I never had a family member that has bean to war, but I could imagine how it would feel to have a family members in the war. You would think of them every day and be praying for them to come back home safely and be part of your family again.
Taylor Eichel
In life there is war and there is also peace. When trying to achieve peace a war happens. There have been wars in the past that peace has come out of in the result of them.
In this photograph it shows a woman holding a flower to protest war. This protest is for the war to stop and for peace to begin. When war happens many people in all countries go out and protest because war is a horrible and takes lives.
War has happened all throughout history and usually the reason is to create peace. The United Nations was created for the world to keep the peace in other countries that are experiencing wars and genocide. When the United Nations goes into a country it is for peace there is know deaths unless the United Nation are shot at.
War causes death that is why most people protest it. Families do not want there sons or daughters being killed in war. In the end some people are killed to create peace for the country and world.
Mark Whitehead
In the past the world has seen its share of wars even these days we still see war and we are still faced with difficult questions about war and peace. In our lives there will be times where we will ask our selves where we may stand and war and peace and what we might think is a just war or not.
War is always a very terrifying and emotionally shattering thing for people to go threw. People lose friends and loved ones, families have to deal with the pain of some one coming to their door and informing them of a loss or the constant fear for their loved ones that may be in the armed forces fighting a war far away. Peace is always a time of liberty joy and freedom to enjoy what we have around us and the people that we have in our lives. It is also a time where we can have good relations with other nations around the world. This picture shows the contrast between the two peaces and war and the differences.
Some people think that there never should be war in the world, they are right there never should be but some times we have no choice. No one likes it but there have been times in the past where war has been the only option to gain peace. Wars that are necessary are known as “just” wars where there is actually an important cause for the war. A just war is a war that some times needs to happen an example is if a nation is attacked and needs to defend its self, or if a dictator of a nation is out of control and is taking over nation after nation. An example of this is World War II when Hitler was bent on taking over Europe and had to be stopped, the result of this was the Second World War. An unjust war is a war that has no meaning and goes no where. Many people thought that the Vietnam War was an unjust war because of all the losses they were taking and the war was going no where the US was no winning.
The world has seen its share of wars some have been just wars and some people will argue that others were not. No matter if it is just or not war is still a terrible thing that on one likes because of the losses that are taken.
Visual response Mike B
The two ideas I get from this photo are juxtaposed. There’s a peace fanatic facing violence with out fighting physically. Here you can see soldiers representing the government and a person who believes in peace. Every time there is a conflict there is always a protest of anti war people. In the 70s there was some violent protesting when soldiers fought non violent protesters people were killed even when they hadn’t done any thing violent to provoke it.
The hippie protester is completely positive and only sees positive outlook and hates war and destruction to the environment. The protester is completely different then the National Guard. And the irony is that the government feels that they need National Guard for a non violent protest.
The soldiers totally juxtapose the protesters because they are trained to kill and are trained to fight and destroy. You have 2 total opposites facing each other. During the Vietnam war many protesting groups emerged and there was lots of riots against what the government was doing in south east Asia. Many of American citizens thought a war to stop the spread of communism was wrong and didn’t need to happen.
The people in this picture are totally opposite in visuals and ideas. One side wishes only peace and happiness. One is devoted to destruction and killing. One side is wielding an item of nature and peace. And the other is wielding a weapon made only for destroying.
Devon’s March 1 visual response English essay
In the world there has been lots of protesting and people fighting. In the picture there is a lady holding a flower and a man with a gun and a sword on the end of it. The lady is putting the flower on the end of the soldiers gun and the soldier is standing there pointing it at her. This could mean many things like one is at war and the other is peaceful. I think this picture represents war and peace war being the soldier with a gun pointed at the girl and peace being the girl with the flower in her hand.
Protesting against the war has been a very big topic because there is a lot of people against it and would rather there be peace and they could talk about instead of fighting. The pitcher is showing a lady putting a flower on a soldier sort because she wants peace. She is one of the protesters against war and would like war to stop. The reason she would like war to stop is because she thinks they would be better ways to solve things than fighting and killing each other. She wants the world to be peaceful and no fighting.
War is a very touchy thing because doing anything wrong can set other countries off and make them want to attack you. World War II was started very much like this Germany was very mad at the other countries for putting them in debt and making them have a lesser army. So Germany decided to fight and that started World War II. This war was a very tragic war, millions of people were killed. Some people say it could have been solved different ways but you will never know. We can never tell what could've happened so we must not dwell on the past.
The picture is showing us examples of war and peace war being the soldier standing with the gun and peace being the lady with the flower in her hand. Wars have started many different ways and they have also ended many different ways people have protested and did all they could to stop war. But sometimes war cannot be stopped just by protesting there will have to be a physical presence to stop some people.
In are world there is war and there is peace we have both, unfortunately. The 1960 photo of a demonstration shows both sides of the spectrum war and peace. When countries go to war it can be for many different reasons but most of the time the out come is peaceful.
Peace. The peace side is of this photo is a woman holding a flower in a protest and war side of this is a man holding a gun with a bayonet on the end of it and the woman is putting the flower on the gun. The men with the guns are holding back the protesters. The protester are having the demonstration because they don’t want the US fighting in Vietnam. The US in Vietnam also were fighting for peace.
The war side of this photo is the men with the guns. If they didn’t go to this protest the people could get out of control they are there to keep the peace. Just like why the protesters are there for, peace.
When countries go to war it can be for many different reasons but most of the time the out come is peaceful. If countries don’t tri strongly to keep peace in are world we would have war but to keep peace we have war.
Geoff Briggs
We still face difficult situations about war and peace. We are always trying to achieve peace, but end up having war instead. War is a terrifying thing that people go through, and en up loosing lives because of it. With out war, our lives would be a lot more peaceful and happier.
We achieve peace by doing good things for other Counties and people, but instead of doing positive things, we always end up doing cynical acts, which then causes a war, and goes bad. People end up dieing, and getting hurt, loosing loved ones and family. People try and stop wars form happening, like in the picture, the girl is brining them a flower, and offering peace instead of guns and violence.
With out all the wars going on that are bring made, our lives would be a lot more peaceful and most likely be a lot more positive, and happier. We wouldn’t loose lives and loved ones to people trying to take over countries, or have genocides.
This picture is showing us war and peace. The lady with the flower is trying to be peaceful, and the soldiers are pointing the gun at her, and showing signs of war. This picture shows us that we still face difficult situations about war and peace. We always try to achieve peace, but we end up starting new war instead
Brandon Richardson
In the picture demonstrates what went on during the Vietnam War. When people wanted peace and the other half wanted to fight and when they both clashed together all it created was more violence. In many cases people see war as a scary and terrifying experience just to think about or be involved in. Loved ones can die and never be seen again or people can come back with serious injuries or war experience that could affect them for the rest of their lives and would never be the same. I believe war is a tragic thing to get involved in but sometimes if you want to make peace with other countries then you would have to go to war. I also think war isn’t always necessary because there are other ways you can deal with it, for example you can just find a way to make peace through the United Nations.
One reason why people hate war so much is the fact that it’s not always necessary and there can be other ways to resolve the problem. Many people look towards the United Nations to resolve the problem because many people believe that the UN can keep or bring peace to any country no matter what. That’s not always the case because the UN has failed in attempting to bring peace to some countries in the past. For example in Rwanda the UN didn’t exactly keep the peace when the Tutsi’s and the Hootu’s attacked each other in a genocide to eliminate each other.
The picture demonstrates one side with soldiers and the other side with one person who is holding a flower, which symbolizes peace. The lady is holding the flower because she wants peace instead of war because she feels we need peace in the world instead of war. She holds the flower because the people who want peace knows that when you’re in peace you know you aren’t going to be harmed by other countries and that’s why people hate war and want peace.
Nobody likes war, and everyone believes that peace is the best thing when a war is about to break out or building up to one. People don’t feel safe when a war is happening because it is dangerous not knowing what could happen to you and you never know if you might get attacked even when your not even involved but your country is.. I believe that peace is what everyone needs because in today’s society a war could end up killing everyone in the world with the power of weapons.
Visual essay MikeB
In the photo we have two opposite people and ideas and way of life. In life some people chose the path of violence and mindlessly taking orders or they take their own ideas and beleifs and stand for them. Its important for people to realize they need to stand up for what they believe and not let obsitcals stand in their way. The protester in this photo is standing up to a group of people trained to kill and are armed to the teeth.
In this photo the two sides are jextaposed as one is completely harmless and would never even think about harming a person and only wishes for peace and people to stop killing each other. On the other side we have government armed forces probably sent to crush or control their non voilent protest. It seems ironic why they would send in state troops for such non voilent hippies in the 70s. The 2 sides in this picture are totally opposite.
The picture's theme is also sadness and struggle aganst a pointless political war. The protester is protesting for the good of his nation and for the lives of the vietnamese and american soldiers sent to war. Both sides are in common because they are both trying to do good for their nation. One side is fighting to stop war and the other is sent in to defend their citizens from possible threat of civil unrest.
Trevor Ing
There will always be differences between people’s beliefs in this world. During war there will always be people who will protest against the war and there will be those who will always support the war effort. Its always good for there to be two sides to any conflict or there wouldn’t be a balance to what is wrong or right.
There will always be people who will support wars on other countries. Some people like the thought of war as a way to amuse themselves while others just want to protect their loved ones o their county. Many people have their reasons for supporting wars but in the end there are bond to the cause. There are people everyone trying to raise money so that the army can get better equipment so that they will be safer of have the advantage in battles. Most governments in the world have military budgets so that they can defend themselves if they need to.
People who protest wars are doing so cause they do not always understand why countries are fighting or just that they want peace to reign in the world. Back in the 1960’s, people who protested the wars going on at the time were called hippies. These days people who protest war are just people who think that fighting is stupid and the government should just put money into making peoples lives better instead of making weapons to kill people.
Their should always be a balance between the tow sides. If there were no balance between them then there would be a lot of bad things happening. If there was no protesters, then governments would never stop to wage wars and then a lot of people would end up being kill because of it. If there were no war supporters than we would lose our armies and become vulnerable to attacks form other countries. With the perfect balance we can control how many wars we get into and we can defend ourselves if necessary. Everything would be under control.
With a perfect balance things would be great. There would be good enough support to defend ourselves and enough protesters to stay out of needless wars. No matter what happens there will always be people who love or hate war. That’s the way the human race is these days. There will always be debate whether or not war is right or not. People will always look at war in one of two ways.
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