1. During this section of the novel, Andy reveals his master plan to Red. This plan includes Zihuatanejo, Peter Stevens, and a key in a farmer's field. Explain how each of these items is significant to Andy's future plans.

2. After hearing about Andy's wealth, Red says "you could have hired Clarence Darrow" (76)for that kind of money. Do some research... find out who Clarence Darrow was, what was he most famous for, and why would Red make this statement at this point?
3. Escaping from Shawshank seems to be an irregular occurrence. Red tells us that since 1938, only ten prisoners "got away clean" (82). However, Red states that "half of those ten are doing time in other institutions of lower learning like The Shank" (82). Explain why Red feels these escapees would eventually find their way into different prisons
4. What significant event does Red say occurred in 1975 (83)
Source Analysis. Read the poem below:
the laughing heart
by: Charles Bukowski
your life is your life.
don’t let it be clubbed into dank
be on the watch
there are ways out.
there is light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them, take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death
in life,
and the more often you
learn to do it,
the more light there will
your life is your life.
know it while you have
it. You are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
What does the poem suggest to you about dealing with difficult circumstances? compose a paragraph response based on the poem.
Trevor Ing
1. Zihuatanejo is important because that’s where he plans to end up after he gets out of Shawshank. Peter Stevens is important because that would be his identity. That identity has a birth certificate, social security number and even a driver’s license. The key in the farmer’s field is the key to the safe that holds Peter Stevens.
2. Clarence Darrow is a famous lawyer who has won a lot of trials like when he defended the teenage thrill killers and when he defended the so called Monkey Trial against the famous prosecutor William Jennings Bryan. Red made that statement because he thought Andy had enough money to hire him and almost guarantee his release form Shawshank.
3. Red thinks that the cons will end up in deferent prisons because he thinks that they would not be able to live on themselves because they have become in institutionalized and would not know how to live in the real world. They were only used to how things ran in Shawshank and would not know how to hold a job or how to pay up bills.
4. Andy escaped the prison in 1975.
Taylor Eichel
1. Andy’s future plan is to own a hotel in Zihuatanejo. He used the help of his friend to create Peter Stevens for him which is his new id. In the farmers field there is a key which is to a safe where all his information is needed such as his id.
2. Clarence Darrow was a famous lawyer who worked on big cases back in his time. He had defended teenage killers when he did that he convinced them to plead guilty so that they wouldn’t get the death penalty. Red would make this statement because he is a good lawyer and he could have got a better sentence than life or got out of prison.
3. Red says there are a certain number of people who had escaped but they would find there way into another prison. He is saying that once a criminal always a criminal because that’s all they are capable of doing is committing crimes. They are also institutionalized.
4. In 1975 Andy Dufresne escaped from prison and he wasn’t recaptured.
Geoff Briggs
1.During this section of the novel, Andy reveals his master plan to Red. This plan includes Zihuatanejo, Peter Stevens, and a key in a farmer's field. Explain how each of these items is significant to Andy’s future plans.
This is signi ficant to Andy’s life because it’s the place that he wants to go to when he gets out of jail. Peter Stevens is the guy Andy made up while he was in jail, he created this guy when we was doing all the tax returns for the guards and the warden, and saved up tones of money, and gave him a drivers license, birth certificate, and I.D. The key in the farmers field is the key that unlocks the safe that all this information and money is that Peter Stevens has, or that Andy saved and created.
1. After hearing about Andy's wealth, Red says "you could have hired Clarence Darrow" (76)for that kind of money. Do some research... find out who Clarence Darrow was, what was he most famous for, and why would Red make this statement at this point?
Clarence Darrow was a lawyer, he was most famous for his trial in defending the teenaged thrill killers Leapold, and Loeb, for murdering a 14 year old boy.
3. Escaping from Shawshank seems to be an irregular occurrence. Red tells us that since 1938, only ten prisoners "got away clean" (82). However, Red states that "half of those ten are doing time in other institutions of lower learning like The Shank" (82). Explain why Red feels these escapees would eventually find their way into different prisons
These escapees would eventually find their way into different prisons because they would either get caught for escaping, or they might have been there for a long time and became institutionalized and don’t know what to do, so they commit a crime and get sent back to another prison.
4. What significant event does Red say occurred in 1975 (83)
Andy escaped from Shawshnk prison, and got is new identity, and is probably in Mexico, and Red said that he wouldn’t have been able to escape like Andy did, he wouldn’t have survived out on his own
Brandon Richardson
1. During this section of the novel, Andy reveals his master plan to Red. This plan includes Zihuatanejo, Peter Stevens, and a key in a farmer's field. Explain how each of these items is significant to Andy's future plans.
The place Andy talks about is located in Mexico and the place is significant because it is isolated from everywhere else and it is a peaceful and warm place to live.
2. After hearing about Andy's wealth, Red says "you could have hired Clarence Darrow" (76)for that kind of money. Do some research... find out who Clarence Darrow was, what was he most famous for, and why would Red make this statement at this point?
Clarence Darrow is a lawyer that Andy could have hired. He was most famous for the trial he attended which was the monkey trials. Red made that comment because he believes with Andy’s wealth makes him believe that he can get the lawyer with his wealth.
3. Escaping from Shawshank seems to be an irregular occurrence. Red tells us that since 1938, only ten prisoners "got away clean" (82). However, Red states that "half of those ten are doing time in other institutions of lower learning like The Shank" (82). Explain why Red feels these escapees would eventually find their way into different prisons
They would find there way to other prisons because they are institionalized.
4. What significant event does Red say occurred in 1975 (83)
Andy breaks out of jail
Shawshank Q Devon Telle
1. During this section of the novel, Andy reveals his master plan to Red. This plan includes Zihuatanejo, Peter Stevens, and a key in a farmer's field. Explain how each of these items is significant to Andy's future plans. These items are significant to andy’s future plans because that’s what keep’s him un institutionalized. This is what he can look forward to at the long nights at Shawshank.
2. After hearing about Andy's wealth, Red says "you could have hired Clarence Darrow" (76)for that kind of money. Do some research... find out who Clarence Darrow was, what was he most famous for, and why would Red make this statement at this point? Clarence Darrow was a lawyer famuse for the “monkey trial” and defending teenaged thrill killers Leopold and Loeb in their trial for murdering 14 year-old bobby Franks. Red would make that this assumption because it would be vary expensive to be his lawyer.
3. Escaping from Shawshank seems to be an irregular occurrence. Red tells us that since 1938, only ten prisoners "got away clean" (82). However, Red states that "half of those ten are doing time in other institutions of lower learning like The Shank" (82). Explain why Red feels these escapees would eventually find their way into different prisons. Because they are institutionized and they don’t know anything other than jail.
4. What significant event does Red say occurred in 1975 (83) Andy breaks out of jail and go’s to start his new life.
Michael Temple
1 The place called Zihuatanejo that’s in Mexico was significant to Andy plan because it’s a place that is isolated and its peaceful and there is no harm out there. The significant thing about peter Stevens is Andy’s new identity. The key was significant because it was the secret of getting the identity in the bank.
2 Darrow Clarence was a famous lawyer who won many cases in the early 1900. Red said this because for that much money you could get the best lawyer in town.
3 When the people escape they have no were to go because they are not useful to the society. So they would probably do something bad again so they could be some one again and to be home.
4 Andy Dufresne escaped from Shawshank and he hasn’t been recaptured because his plan went the way that he thought it would.
Taylor Eichel
In this poem it shows that life is difficult but even with little it is easy to get around the hard parts. It says "you can't beat death, you can beat death" that quote is showing there is always another chioce to be taken. When dealing with the hardships in life there is always a way to get around them.
Taylor Eichel
The title focuses on the word redemption, and on a “pin up” girl named Rita Hayworth. How are these significant… to answer this question,
Find pictures of the women Andy hung on the wall of his cell.
Explain how these posters are symbols? These posters are symbols because they are showing freedom.
The poem “the laughing heart” tells us to “be on the watch/ there are ways out./there is light somewhere / that it may not be much light but/it beats thedarkness. How did these posters help Andy “beat the darkness” These posters helped Andy beat the darkness by allowing him to have someone to look to or it was his freedom knowing that he could find a women when he got out.
How did Andy find redemption? Andy found redemption by escaping and putting the whole prison in a crisis.
Mike.b Escape from Shaw shank
Red thinks these escapees would probably find their way back into other prisons because they have no real identity or purpose outside Shaw shank. The escapees are institutionalized so many of them would commit a petty crime to get put back in jail.
Mike. B Shaw shank questions
Andy reveals his plan to Red because the items are significant for when he gets out of jail. Andy has a fake Id and a load of money waiting for him outside jail. Andy plans on fleeing to a town in Mexico where he will live his life. His key to freedom is sitting in a farmer’s field where it can be taken or lost at any time. He just hopes that it doesn’t.
Page 71-85 shawshank _ _
1.explaining andy’s master plan.
Zihuatanejo is a place in Mexico where Andy plans to go when he get out. Andy was a successful banker with a nice chunk of money in his name but when he went to prison he didn’t wont his money to be frozen so he made up a man and Peter Stevens he had a birth certificate, social secretly number and a driver’s license he put his money in to his fake name and put the money into a stock before he went to prison. He put all the identity of Peter Steven into a lock box and put the key into a farmer’s field.
2. After hearing about Andy's wealth, Red says "you could have hired Clarence Darrow" (76). Clarence Darrow is a famous expensive layer who has won a lot of big cases in his day. Andy would had enough money to hire him for a retrial and help him get out of shaw.
3. Red says that more then half of the escapees that got away clean from shaw shank the other half found there way back into a prison this is most likely because they did more crimes once they got out. They would have got a one way ticket back in side a place harder then shaw shank. once a criminal always a criminal
4. In 1975 Andy Dufresne
Brandon Richardson
In the poem The laughing Heart, the poem is about the negatives that you must overcome in life. The poem talks about how to not become a cynical person and it also talks about ways to stay a happy person. If you ever feel you are trapped in the darkness then there is always a small light that you can go through to escape the darkness. The poems tells us "be on the watch, there is ways out" You can't beat death, you can beat death in life". You can compare this to Shawshank redemption when Andy escapes the prison when he thinks he can't beat the darkness, he beats the darkness after escaping.
Mark Whitehead
1. What Andy is doing is preparing himself to own a hotel in Zihuatanejo, this is his future plan. Peter Stevens is the one that is helping him get his new I.D. this will help him in his plans because with out it he cant start a business.
2. Clarence Darrow was a well known corporate lawyer and later became a criminal lawyer. He is also a lawyer that probably would cost a lot of money to higher because of how well known he was.
3. Red believes that there will be a lot ending up in new prisons because none of them would be ready for the real world or no how to live out side of prison. Because of this many of them would end up back in other prisons.
4. In 1975 Andy escapes from shawshank.
People should read this.
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